
Using WireGuard to host services at home

It’s been a while since I had this idea to leverage the power of WireGuard to self-host stuff at home. Even though I pay for a proper server somewhere in the world, there are some services that I don’t consider critical to put there, or that I consider too critical to host outside my home. It’s only NATural With today’s ISP packages for end users, I find it very annoying the amount of trouble they create when you try to host anything at home.

Installing Gerrit and Keycloak for GDB

Back in September, we had the GNU Tools Cauldron in the gorgeous city of Montréal (perhaps I should write a post specifically about it…). One of the sessions we had was the GDB BoF, where we discussed, among other things, how to improve our patch review system. I have my own personal opinions about the current review system we use (mailing list-based, in a nutshell), and I haven’t felt very confident to express it during the discussion.

Fedora on an Acer C720P Chromebook

Yes, you are reading correctly: I decided to buy a freacking Chromebook. I really needed a lightweight notebook with me for my daily hackings while waiting for my subway station, and this one seemed to be the best option available when comparing models and prices. To be fair, and before you throw me rocks, I visited the LibreBoot X60’s website for some time, because I was strongly considering buying one (even considering its weight); however, they did not have it in stock, and I did not want to wait anymore, so…

Encrypting your e-mails to yourself using GnuPG

It has been a while since I dream of being able to send encrypted e-mail to everyone in my contact list. It is still a distant future, but fortunately it is getting closer with campaigns like the Reset the Net. And while I already send encrypted messages to a couple of friends, it is always good to discover (and share!) some configuration tips to make your life easy :-). I use Gnus as my e-mail (and news!

Migrating from Jabberd2 to Prosody

After trying (and failing!) to find a guide, how-to, or anything that could help me in the migration from Jabberd2 to Prosody on my personal server, I decided to write my own version here. I hope it can help other people who want to do this somewhat painful procedure! Struggling with Jabberd2 When I installed my personal server, I chose Jabberd2 as my Jabber server. At that time, this choice seemed the most logical to me because of a few reasons:

GDB and SystemTap Probes -- part 3

Hi everybody :-). I finally got some time to finish this series of posts, and I hope you like the overall result. For those of you who are reading this blog for the first time, you can access the first post here, and the second here. My goal with this third post is to talk a little bit about how you can use the SDT probes with tracepoints inside GDB. Maybe this particular feature will not be so helpful to you, but I recommend reading the post either way.

GDB and SystemTap Probes -- part 2

I tell you this: it is depressing when you realize that you spent more time struggling with blog engines than writing posts on your blog! It’s been a long time since I wrote the first post about this subject, and since then the patches have been accepted upstream, and GDB 7.5 now has official support for userspace SystemTap probes :-). Yay! Well, but enough of cheap talk, let’s get to the business!

GDB and SystemTap probes -- part 1

After a long time, here we are again :-). With this post I will start to talk about the integration between GDB and SystemTap. This is something that Tom Tromey and I did during the last year. The patch is being reviewed as I write this post, and I expect to see it checked-in in the next few days/weeks. But let’s get our hands dirty… SystemTap Userspace Probes You probably use (or have at least heard of) SystemTap, and maybe you think the tool is only useful for kernel inspections.